Im confused. I love speed freaks, and own 2, but am very confused to the choice of car that is produced. What is a Speed Freak? Is it a performance car - such as the Ferrari or Porsche or is it a fast car - such as the mustang or Suburu? But how do you explain a Mini or Anglia which arent performance cars (or fast?) What is the rationale for choosing new cars? I saw a request for a MGB - which would fit the classic bill - but are Speed Freaks supposed to be aspiring cars? Wheres the Evo? I think there is a Ford Fan too with Anglias, Escort (the wrong Mark I'm afraid) Cossie (gr8) Cortina (why) Capri (wrong version again - is this supposed to be a 3 Litre?)
So how do you choose the cars to do in the future? It seems simply plucked out of the air.
Im looking forward to the new releases - probably a trabant, another Mini variant (my money is on a Moke) an obscure Eurobox, several unknown yank sheds and two new Fords (a Corsair and a Escort Mk2).
Saw the cars at Goodwood and feel there are so many missed opportunities with this superb range. How bout a Poll for what we want?